Friday, 30 December 2011

A new one is just beginning...

With the near year just round the corner and everyone thinks about what lies ahead in 2012 but this is the time when I reflect on 2011. It has been a good year despite some hiccups but nobody has a perfect year sorry to put a downer on the festive cheer.
However, when Big Ben struck midnight and 2011 began and we all stood their celebrating and thoughts of resolutions came to mind did we ever think we would actually keep to them. People make resolutions every year usually its to eat more health or to get a gym membership. Nonetheless, our sports clothes sit in the cupboard for months will the gym keeps on taking the money out of your direct debit. Despite the fact that resolutions are renowned for being broken this year I am going to make one and attempt very hard to stick to it. So this year my resolution is to...BLOG MORE. In theory this is a resolution I may be able to stick to. However, this year I have found myself too busy to blog what with exam pressure and activities nonetheless, even if I only put a picture up on a blog post I am going to pursue the channel of fashion more frequently instead of writing a measly one post a month.
So here's to 2012 lets hope it's a better year, and here's to me blogging more lets hope I keep it up.

P.S. As I said at the beginning how we reflect on 2011 as we head in to the new year here are some of my highlights of 2011 in photos...

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